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Freshwater Metals Criteria - CCME & BC Water Quality Guidelines

Last Updated: May 6, 2020

Concentrations in µg/L (ppb)

* Use formula to calculate the values at different hardness and/or pH conditions

** Cu BCWQG are dependent on the specific chemistry of the water body. To calculate WQG at different temperature, hardness, DO and pH values refer to the source here.

*** Hg BCWQG = 0.0001/(MeHg/total Hg)

**** Zn CWQG are dependent on the specific chemistry of the water body. To calculate WQG at different hardness, pH and DOC values, refer to the formula here.

NRG  = No recommended guideline.


British Columbia Approved Water Quality Guidelines: Aquatic Life, Wildlife & Agriculture - Summary Report

British Columbia Working Water Quality Guidelines: Aquatic Life, Wildlife & Agriculture

Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life - CCME Summary Table

Learn more about the difference between total and dissolved metal concentrations and why it matters.

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